Women Health, Fertility & Menstrual Cycle Specialist
What is Your Menstrual Cycle Trying to Tell You?
Do you have issues with your cycle?
Are your cycles irregular? Maybe you have PMS for a week or even two weeks before your cycle? Perhaps you bleed more than 7 day? Do you bleed heavily or maybe not enough? Are your cycles shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days? Perhaps for you it is breast pain or acne accociated with your cycle. Maybe it is headaches or other symptoms you experience.
Menstrual cycles are a natural part of life however they should not be painful or come with a host of symptoms each month making your life unbearable.
Perhaps you have come off the pill and have not regained your period. Maybe you are dealing with PCOS and feel like you are hitting a wall or don’t know where to start.
I can help you to get your menstrual cycle under control which will make your day to day life easier and improve your fertility (which is a great thing even if you are not trying to get pregnant!)
Trust me, you want to be paying into your long term progesterone account by having regular ovulation. Set up your free health review by clicking below.
- You’ll thank me later 😉
Client Testimonial
Alison - Wicklow
“Before working with Nikki, I had several chronic issues which had been ongoing for a number of years. I was going around in circles with prescriptions that made no difference to my conditions and I was fed up.
After our first consultation she came up with a very detailed plan, recipes and useful ideas. I was completely inspired to tackle my issues with this new approach.
Working with Nikki helped me to stay on the purest health plan I have ever managed and it’s the longest I have ever stuck with any regime. She supported me to stick to the plan throughout and as an unexpected bonus, I lost the best part of a stone.
My ongoing chronic issues have not reoccured since we worked together. I feel great and the skills I learned whilst working with her have empowered me to manage my health using food as a starting point.
I can’t thank Nikki enough!”
What is Nutritional Therapy?
Nutritional Therapy is a personalised and individualised way of looks at health. I view a client’s life as a whole and use scientifically backed up evidence to tailor recommendations to my client’s needs. Working with a qualified and registered Nutritional Therapist gives you peace of mind that the upmost professional standards are being upheld at all times.

How I Can Help
Identify an Area
of Focus
We will discuss the specific issue you want to address or maybe there are several things happening at the same time. I can help you choose an area to concentrate on in order to start your path to improved health.
Based on the information gathered before and during a consultation I create a custom plan including food, lifestyle and (if required) supplements. At times I may recommend functional testing if I think it will benefit you.
Support Along
Your Journey
I will provide you with recipes and relevant information that I think will be helpful for you to achieve your goals. You can also contact me between consultations with any questions.